Events at St Nics
Events-in-school (ID 1011)
World Book Day 2024
World Book Day 2024
the school had a brilliant day celebrating World Book Day. We loved seeing all of the inventive costumes! In class, we shared our words and used them to write sentences and stories. A scavenger hunt was set up on the playground for us to run around and hunt for some words - this helped us to see how we can use books to improve our knowledge and understanding of vocabulary. Some of the KS2 classes took part in online live lessons with schools across the country - it was great fun doing quizzes together! Our wonderful Reading Ambassadors made an exhibition of all the lovely paper plate characters we had received for Mrs Rayson's challenge and classes enjoyed walking around and spotting some of our favourite books! Over all, it was a fantastic way to celebrate books and reading!
Lamb Visit 08.03.24
Lamb Visit 08.03.24
Reception were very lucky to have a visit from a lamb this morning, the children were able to find out and learn more about lambs, and also have a close up real life experience, all the children were really well behaved and really enjoyed this opportunity. Many thanks to Mr and Mrs Hunt for giving up their time to allow us this amazing experience.
Rock Kidz 18.03.24
Rock Kidz 18.03.24
The children had an incredible time with Rock Kids, fun and music filled the school as we celebrated our Diversity and Respect day, there was even a dance off between staff and children!
Easter Bonnet Parade March 24
Easter Bonnet Parade March 24
Our Reception and KS1 Classes have all outdone themselves with their incredible Easter bonnet creations, we had big ones, small ones, scary ones and even a few with fairy lights! well done to everyone that took part.