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St Nicholas C of E Primary School

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Governors' Welcome

Welcome to the School Governors of St Nicholas.

What do we do?

Governing bodies act as a corporate body, taking a strategic role in supporting the leadership and development of the school. 

How does the Governing Body do this?

The Governing Body meets at least twice every term to discuss the school’s development priorities with focus on ‘Curriculum and Standards’ and ‘Finance and Resources’.    The Governing Body adopted the circle model meaning all governors participate in discussing all aspects of school life, except where pay and the Head Teacher performance management is involved. 

The strategic development of the school is proposed in an annual document, building on strengths and assigning resources to develop areas of greater challenge within the school.  Individual governors are linked to areas of school responsibility/curriculum and work with the school Leadership Team to monitor and review the progress of these aims.

Governors are also responsible for overseeing the annual budget submission to support the Headteacher in management of public funds.

All minuted meetings of the Governing Body are available on request from the school office.

Welcome to St Nicholas C of E Primary School