Transition - How do we support our families starting at St Nics?
Starting school can be a challenging experience for both children and their families. When children transition to our Reception, they and their families will find a welcoming, nurturing & safe environment where all are welcomed and valued. This allows them to become part of the St Nicholas family. We aim to work collaboratively with parents to ensure their child gets a good start to the educational journey with us and beyond. We have an evolving transition process that is flexible and develops with our new cohorts each year. We aim to provide parents with an informative process prior to their children starting with us for example, we invite parents to attend a “meet the teacher” presentation in July. We also visit our new children in their settings, where appropriate to gain insight into the children’s learning experiences and needs. We also have a short staggered start when our children start with us in September so ensure that children settle into life at St Nics quickly but also gently and to establish trusted relationships with the adults in our setting. In October, we hold our Parent’s Evenings and invite our Reception parents to attend. The main focus of our parent’s evening is to discuss how the children have settled into school life. We also hold a Reception Parent Coffee morning during the first time where parent’s are invited to come and meet other parents. Mrs Slack (EYFS Lead) and Mrs Langstone (SENDCO) are on hand to lend a listening ear too!
Making the choice of which primary school you would like your child to attend is a big decision. To support parents in this, we offer series of open mornings and an open evening in the Autumn term so that parents can come and look around our lovely school, talk to staff in EYFS and get a feel for the amazing things we do. Dates and times for our open morning/evening sessions for Autumn 2024 will be added to our website in the Summer Term.