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St Nicholas C of E Primary School

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St Nicholas C of E Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff, volunteers and parents to share this commitment.  If you have any concerns for any child, please contact our Safeguarding team, all of whom are trained Designated Safeguarding Leads: 

Mrs Sarah Rayson (Head Teacher) - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Amy Mitro (Deputy Head) - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Julie Langstone (SENDCo) - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mr Matthew Peak (Class Teacher and Computing Lead) - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and Online Safety Lead

Mrs Emma Slack (Assistant Head Teacher) has DSL training to support her role as Attendance Lead.

All can be contacted on 01926 853257 or via admin3146@welearn365.com

Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr Mark Gilligan

Leaders trained in Safer Recruitment are: Mrs Sarah Rayson; Mrs Amy Mitro.

 We take safeguarding very seriously at St Nicholas c of E Primary School. Every adult working in school, including volunteers, are required to undertake relevant safeguarding checks prior to starting work. This involves a DBS check. We have a number of policies and procedures in place that contribute to our safeguarding commitment, including our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy


Our other policies such as Acceptable Use, Online Safety etc can be found on the Policies page of this website.

Operation Encompass

St Nicholas C of E Primary School works in partnership with Warwickshire Police and Warwickshire Children's Services to support pupils who are affected by incidents of domestic violence and abuse through a scheme called Operation Encompass (see link to poster below).

When police attend any type of domestic violence or abuse in any household in which a pupil of the school lives, Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs) receive a confidential and secure email the following day, notifying them that there has been an incident and that the child may need support.

On receipt of such a notification, DSLs ensure teachers and other staff directly in contact with affected children support them with kindness, care and sensitivity. In addition to supporting children, the process means the school is also in a position to offer parents and carers support as appropriate.

Operation Encompass-Parents-Poster---English.pdf

Any information shared with school as part of Operation Encompass is managed and stored with the utmost sensitivity and discretion consistent with all other confidential safeguarding records.


Preventing Radicalisation

We actively support the Government's Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism. We have a duty to protect our children against such influences and staff are trained to recognise and deal with this issue.


You can also contact Warwickshire Safeguarding if you have any concerns about a child. This service is available at any time.  Please click on the logo below to access their contact details and additional information:



If you are a parent, carer or other adult looking for local help and advice regarding family matters such as childcare as well as more specific and specialist needs, please contact the Family Information Service


 WCC Children and families pages have plenty of help and advice 




Welcome to St Nicholas C of E Primary School