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St Nicholas C of E Primary School

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What does the PTA do?    

The Parent Teacher Association raises between £2,000 and £5,000 each year, providing funding for a variety of projects within our school which enhance the children’s experience at the school. The fundraising events aim to be fun for the children (and hopefully some adults too!), while giving the children a sense of pride in their school's community spirit and, of course, raising some extra money.

Over the past few years, the PTA’s donations to the school have included these treats:


A new strip for the school football team.


A contribution towards the cookery equipment in the Technology Suite.


Indoor wet-play equipment for every class for rainy day and outdoor play equipment


Annually, the PTA pay for:

A leavers' treat for Year 6 pupils

The school panto at Christmas/New Year


The PTA organises refreshments at Sports Days, cake sales, Christmas Cafes, events such as a Christmas Fayre, Family Games events and  'Bag2School,' (a clothing/textile recycling initiative which is held at least once a year) and sort out and sell on second hand school uniform.  They also coordinate initiatives where Reception pupils design their own tea towels at the end of the school year and all pupils design their own Christmas cards/mugs. 

If these events and activities are to be successful, they need support from parents either by attending events or by encouraging their child to take part. PTA events cannot happen without volunteers to run and organise them. The PTA committee is a small group of parents who always welcome new members to help co-ordinate the events diary. However, we also really value anybody who volunteers on a more ad hoc basis.

The saying: 

Many hands make light work

is fully embraced by the PTA.

 Please check out our PTA on Facebook -

                         St Nicholas C of E Primary PTA


If you would like any more information or would like to help, please use the admin school email address and all correspondence will be forwarded.

Welcome to St Nicholas C of E Primary School